A 345-kilovolt (kV) transmission line is needed to enhance the transmission load serving capability in western North Dakota.
This added infrastructure will help serve the growing load Basin Electric's members are seeing in the region.
The Leland Olds Station-to-Tande 345-kV transmission project was deemed necessary for the reliability of the transmission system by Southwest Power Pool, a regional transmission organization. The project will provide more reliable service to electric cooperative customers as well as diversify power resources on the larger transmission system.
Southwest Power Pool is the regional transmission organization that administers bulk electric transmission system reliability upgrades and generation interconnections. Basin Electric received a Notification to Construct Approved Reliability Network upgrades notice in May 2022 from Southwest Power Pool.
Basin Electric is the designated transmission owner for the upgrade, which includes a new 345/115-kV substation, which will provide a new delivery point for Basin Electric Class C member Mountrail-Williams Electric Cooperative, and the reconstruction of a substation at Leland Olds Station.
Construction will take about 18 months once all easements and permits have been obtained. The project is planned to be energized in late 2026.